60 Strathallen Avenue, NORTHBRIDGE

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
  Contact : 02 9958 0552

Multi-Specialty GP Educational Dinner

You are invited to attend our Multi-Specialty GP Educational Dinner featuring local specialists:

Dr Jay Yohendran | Ophthalmologist
New ophthalmic treatments that your patients will ask you about.

Dr Irwin Lim | Rheumatoligist
How to interpret a positive ANA? Is it worth measuring?

Dr Mohan Arianayagam | Urologist
PSA, prostates and LUTS—An update.

Dr Andrew Kaines | Ophthalmologist
Should all your diabetic patients be on oral fenofibrate to prevent retinopathy?

Dr Katherine Tonks | Endocrinologist
The new diagnostic and screening criteria for gestational diabetes.

3rd of June
Registration: 6:30pm
Presentations: 6:45pm
118 Alexander Street, Crows Nest
25th of May
Phone: 9958 0552

Attendees will be eligible for 4 CPD points
(self-directed category 2 unaccredited CPD points)RACGP

Numbers will be capped at 40.
3 course dinner will be provided.

Yes, I will attend the GP Educational Dinner

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